Our programs
Voicing silences
We capture and bring to light untold experiences of women facing adversity. We will make artistic items for the general public based on these experiences, which will encourage debates about taboo themes that are not discussed
in public spaces due to fear or shame.
We develop approaches based on artistic instruments that may be copied by other women’s groups, organizations, or communities to aid in the healing of personal or collective traumas and the creation of productive conversations.
We serve as a loudspeaker for our sister organizations. We brainstorm ideas for projects to help them communicate their goal and vision, as well as the change they bring about. We make our talent, expertise, and network available to ensure that their story
reaches as many people as possible.
Holding Hands
We reintroduce creativity into the lives of women by using artistic practices
as self-discovery tools. We offer our expertise to women who want their narrative told in the form of
a film, performance, theater event, or book to the broader public.
We foster networking and learning environments where people may converse in a secure environment, resulting in collaborations and projects.
Our impact
We demonstrate how creative tools/practices may aid in self-awareness, healing, and social change
We urge as many women as possible to relate their stories through artistic methods
We start dialogues about issues relating to women’s rights in today’s society
We build bridges between women’s organizations or groups to help organizations fighting for women’s and children’s rights have a greater collective influence and to foster collaboration.
Activity reports
We are here to bring these true stories to the surface.
Help us to remind these women that we are not alone, to give voice to these silences. Donate.