We know that behind silence there are untold stories, and that every story carries the seeds of other stories.
Fragile Society is an organization with women, for women and about women, who can tell their stories and support each other using art as a tool and a vehicle. We want to create contexts and communities that nurture collaboration, dialogue and healing processes.
Our Mission
Starting from authentic topics related to the role of women in today’s society, we will generate artistic contexts in which they can be explored together with other women, forming a sounding board in which the effect of multiplication occurs. Like a snowball causing an avalanche of reactions. These explorations give rise to personal and collective healing processes and create belonging to a community. We aim to understand complex feminine realities in order to generate transformation.
Our Vision
We dream of a world where the artistic act gives birth to social change, creating a safe space where women can identify, document and explore their traumas, limitations and strengths.
FRAGILE is a documentary series exploring the vulnerability of women, as well as their power. It aims to document and retell the life stories of women in Romania who are struggling with abuse, with the tensions generated on by other people’s preconceptions and societal expectations, and with a government that disregards its citizens.
Latest news
FRAGILE lansează 5 noi episoade din documentarul despre vulnerabilitatea și puterea femeilor
Cu ocazia celei de-a 12-a ediții a evenimentului Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest va fi proiectată a doua serie de 5 episoade din serialul documentar web despre vulnerabilitatea și puterea de (auto)vindecare a femeilor, Fragile.
Secţiuni şi evenimente speciale în cadrul Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest.
Proiectul Storyscapes şi Fragile Society îşi propune să documenteze şi să redea poveştile de viaţă ale unor femei din România aflate în luptă cu abuzurile, cu tensiunile create de prejudecăţile celorlalţi şi de aşteptările societăţii.
“I felt like I was giving something back”
They are women who have taken charge of their own narratives even before telling their stories, they had already taken some steps towards healing, changing the paradigm they used to live in.
We are here to bring these true stories to the surface.
Help us to remind these women that we are not alone, to give voice to these silences. Donate.